Universität Bonn

Diversity, Equity, Inclusiveness

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness

The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics strives to provide all faculty, postdocs, students, staff, and visiting researchers with an environment in which they can achieve success and satisfaction, and in which they feel welcomed and supported. We recognize that a diverse and inclusive environment leads to better outcomes and opportunities, and we firmly stand against prejudice and discrimination of any kind.

In order to achieve our goal to be an excellent and supportive place to do mathematics, we are committed to providing equity of access and opportunity to all members of our community and to all who wish to become such members, no matter their race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, neurodiversity status, care giving commitments or socioeconomic background.

© VL

Personal Advice and Support

We understand that everyone's personal circumstances and challenges are different. Please, feel free to reach out to: Magdalena Balcerak Jackson

News and Highlights
22.03.25, 12 Uhr: International Math Club
online über Zoom auf Englisch, für alle Interessierten; Thema: Flipping Pancakes
03.04.25 Girls' Day: Was macht eigentlich eine Mathematikerin?
Euch erwartet ein spannender Workshop zu einem mathematischen Thema, das euch in der Schule sicherlich nie begegnen wird. Nach einer kleinen Pause wird es noch einen Vortrag von einer Mathematikerin geben, die euch erzählt, was einen im Mathestudium erwartet und was Mathematiker*innen in ihrem Beruf machen.

Diversity and Inclusiveness

We strive to create an environment in which people from different backgrounds, with different experiences and of different abilities can thrive. We are committed to working on reducing obstacles and accessibility barriers of all kinds that stand in the way of fully participating in the educational and professional opportunities in our department.

At HCM, we are a very international community of students, faculty, and staff from many different countries, with a diversity of backgrounds, talents and fields of interests. We are lucky to also host many visitors from all over the world that contribute to our culture of lively academic and social exchange. Many of our initiatives in this area are collaborations with international cooperating partners, the International Office, the Equal Opportunity Committee and representatives of the Department of Mathematics.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Daniela Schmidt

Global Mobility Fellowships

The new Global Mobility Fellowships reduce barriers for researchers from countries of the Global South to participate in the Trimester Programs of the Hausdorff Research Institute and the Special Topic Schools of Hausdorff School for Mathematics. A first call will be issued in early 2025.

Gender Equity

We consider the promotion of gender equity and diversity as a great opportunity for the development of mathematics. Promotion of gender equity is also a central goal of the Department of Mathematics and all four mathematical institutes. Many of our gender equity initiatives are collaborations with the Equal Opportunity Committee, the Student Council, and our Outreach and PR Representative. The Hausdorff Center also cooperates closely with the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics.

Family Support

The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics strives to provide a learning and working environment that is supportive of families and care takers and improves the work life balance of all members of the community. We understand that family friendliness and targeted family support is an essential condition for gender equity. But we also understand that care taking responsibilities affect many individuals and take many forms, so that we need to focus on individual needs to provide the best support.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Astrid Slizewski

Parent-Child Office

Two parent-child-offices allow to bridge unexpected child care gaps, and combine work with caring duties. One of them is located in the annex building of the MZ, the other at HIM. All members and guests of the Bonn math department can make use of the room in MZ on request.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Daniela Schmidt

Travel funds for parents

Dedicated travel funds can be used to cover additional expenses associated with taking young children with you on business trips. If you are interested in this opportunity inquire with the HCM DEI Coordinator.

Department Initiatives

Avatar Balcerak Jackson

Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson

Managing Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness Coordinator

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