The annual Friedrich Hirzebruch Lecture of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics is a series of lectures started in 2007 on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Friedrich Hirzebruch. The lectures address a general audience and aim at illustrating the relation between mathematics and art, society and other fields.
November 4th, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
Lecture by Lisa Sauermann
"The card game SET and three-term arithmetic progressions"
University Club Bonn, Konviktstr. 9, Bonn

© VL
- 2023, November 9, Lecture by Bernd Sturmfels, "The Quadratic Formula Revisited"
- 2023, May 15, Lecture by Rahul Pandharipande, "Moduli in Mathematics"
- 2019, November 8, Lecture by Sergey Fomin, "Pentagramma Mirificum"
- 2018, October 31, Lecture by Tadashi Tokieda, "A world from a sheet of paper"
- 2017, November 13, Lecture by Werner Ballmann, "Descartes, Euler, Gauss: From surfaces to integers"
- 2016, November 2, Lecture by Günter M. Ziegler, "Cannons at Sparrows"
- 2015, October 13, Lecture by Arthur Jaffe, "Mathematical Beauty and Truth in Physics"
- 2014, October 29, Lecture by Gerhard Huisken, "Geometry, Analysis, and Gravitation"
- 2013, October 21, Lecture by John Heilbron, "The extra-scientific in scientific creativity: Galileo's mechanics and Bohr's quantum atom"
- 2012, October 22, Lecture by Marcus du Sautoy, "The Secret Mathematicians"
- 2011, October 24, Lecture by Wendelin Werner, "What is a random geometry?"
- 2010, October 19, Lecture by Hendrik Willem Lenstra, "Escher and the Droste effect"
- 2009, December 9, Lecture by Yuri I. Manin, "Languages of mathematics and mathematics of languages"
- 2008, October 22, Lectures by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, "Von den metaphysischen Mucken der Mathematik - einige Aperçus", and Don Bernard Zagier, "Die zwei Gesichter der Mathematik"
- 2007, October 17, Lecture by Sir Michael Atiyah, "Beauty and Truth in Mathematics"
See here3 for the abstracts.