Press and Media
News and Highlights
Jerald L. Ericksen Prize for Sergio Conti, Stefan Müller and Michael Ortiz
Sergio Conti and Stefan Müller from the Institute for Applied Mathematics at the University of Bonn and the former Bonn Research Chair Michael Ortiz (Caltech) have been awarded the Jerald L. Ericksen Prize 2025 for their work on “Data Driven Problems in Elasticity”. The prize will be awarded at the end of July at the joint SIAM/CAIMS conference AN25 in Montral.
Abel in Bonn - Abel Symposium 2025
The Niels Henrik Abel Memorial Fund has established an annual Abel Symposium, which is administrated by the Norwegian Mathematical Society. The symposium follows the final meeting of the Abel Prize Comittee. This year, the Abel Symposium takes place on Thursday, January 23th, 2025, at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) in Bonn, Germany, hosting world-leading speakers in various fields of mathematics.
Hausdorff Memorial Prize awarded to Meike Neuwohner and Radu Toma
As every year, the Department of Mathematics awards the Hausdorff Memorial Prize to the best dissertation in mathematics. As there were two outstanding nominations from very different mathematics disciplines this year, the jury decided to award the Hausdorff Memorial Prize for the academic year 2023/2024 twice: to Meike Neuwohner and Radu Toma. Herbert Koch, Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, presented the award on January 15.
Hausdorff Chair
We look forward to filling one Hausdorff Chair which corresponds to full professorship with tenure. The position will be devoted to Theoretical Mathematics.
Video Interviews
Panorama of Mathematics - Interview with Martin Hairer
Bild © Hausdorff Center for Mathematics / YouTube
Panorama of Mathematics - Interview with Karen E. Willcox
Bild © Hausdorff Center for Mathematics / YouTube
Panorama of Mathematics - Interview with Akshay Venkatesh
Bild © Hausdorff Center for Mathematics / YouTube
Panorama of Mathematics - Interview with Ola Svensson
Bild © Hausdorff Center for Mathematics / YouTube
Social Media
Stefan Hartmann
PR manager, contact person for students and teachers, head of the Bonn Math Club and the School Team
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