Outreach Persons UniID Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder. The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR. Count Persons (7) Contact Phone E-Mail Details Gabriela Brüll +49228735288 gabriela.bruell@uni-bonn.de Stefan Hartmann +49 228 73-3138 stefan.hartmann@hcm.uni-bonn.de Dr. Henning Heller +49 228 73-62219 hheller@uni-bonn.de Prof. Dr. Rainer Kaenders +49 228 73-62218 R.Kaenders@uni-bonn.de Dr. Regula Krapf +49 228 73-5288 krapf@math.uni-bonn.de Dr. Thoralf Räsch +49 228 73-3340 raesch@math.uni-bonn.de Kerstin Strehl-Müller +49 228 73-7783 ksm@math.uni-bonn.de