Universität Bonn

18. April 2024

European Math Olympiad for Girls: German team wins gold in Georgia European Math Olympiad for Girls: German team wins gold in Georgia

Big support from the HCM

They are the best young German female mathematicians: At the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad 2024 (EGMO) in Tskaltubo (Georgia), the German team won one gold and two silver medals. A total of 212 young people from 54 countries took part in the top international tournament for mathematically talented school girls. As every year, the German team was supported by the HCM and assisted on site by female PhD students from Bonn.

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Of the four German competitors, Vera Lavrova (18 years old) from Felix-Klein-Gymnasium in Göttingen achieved the best result and won a gold medal. Tina Ding (17 years old, Kempten, attends the Landesgymnasium für Hochbegabte in Schwäbisch Gmünd) and Melia Haase (17 years old, Gymnasium Zschopau) each won a silver medal. The talented young mathematicians from the German team had qualified with outstanding results in the pre-selection for the 2024 International Mathematical Olympiad. At the EGMO, they now had to tackle six complex mathematical problems that had to be solved in two four-and-a-half-hour exams. The team was supported by head of delegation Susanne Armbruster and her representative Luise Puhlmann. Both are members of our BIGS and are PhD students at the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics in Bonn. Here you can find the final scoreboard.

The European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO) is an international mathematics competition for mathematically gifted school girls, which is based on the International Mathematical Olympiad in terms of form and procedure. Since 2012, over 4,000 school girls from 89 countries have taken part in the young talent tournament. Each country can send a maximum of four school girls. In Germany, the project "Bundesweite Mathematik-Wettbewerbe" of the "Talentförderzentrum Bildung & Begabung" and the HCM organize the selection and preparation of the German team.

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