Committees of the Department of Mathematics
The central body of the department is the Mathematics Committee (Fachkommission Mathematik). It is responsible for coordinating mathematics research and teaching at University of Bonn. Although the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics is located outside the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, it is represented in the Mathematics Committee. The directors of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics are also members.
The Mathematics Committee meets three times per semester.
The meeting dates in the summer semester 2024 are: April 10, 2024; May 8, 2024; June 19, 2024
The meeting dates in the winter semester 2024/25 are: October 9, 2024; November 13, 2024; January 8, 2025
Members of the Mathematics Committee
Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- Members: Dr. Johannes Anschütz (MI), Dr. Ulrich Brenner (DM), Dr. Beate Doerffel (IAM), Manuel Esser (IAM), Dr. Regula Krapf (MI), Dr. Antje Kiesel (IAM), Dr. Gebhard Martin, Karen Petersen (INS), Dr. Thoralf Räsch (MI), Dr. Richard Schubert (IAM), Dr. Michael Welter (MI)
- Deputies: Susanne Armbruster (DM), Dr. Jan Bohr (MI), Dr. Henning Heller (MI), Dr. Illia Karabash (IAM), Dr. Eva Kopfer (IAM), Dr. Martin Lenz (INS), Dr. Andreas Mihatsch (MI), Luca Poensgen (INS), Carsten Rezny (IAM), Dr. Koen van den Dungen (MI), Stephanie Zacharias (INS)
- Members: Karen Bingel (BIGS), Mei-Ling Wang (IAM), Frauke Beeken (IAM)
The student members can be found on the webpage of the Fachschaft Mathematik.
Examination Board
The examination board coordinates all study and examination matters in mathematics, in particular examination regulations.
All members can be found here.
Evaluation Project Group
The evaluation project group coordinates the teaching evaluations for all mathematics lectures and tutorial sessions.
All members can be found here.

QV Allocation Committee
QA funds are quality improvement funds for teaching. The QA allocation committee decides how these funds are used.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kaenders

Master Admission Committee
The master admission committee is responsible for the selection of the students admitted to the master's program in mathematics.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Eberle

Teacher Training Committee
The teacher training commission is responsible for all matters relating to the mathematics teacher training program.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kaenders
The equal opportunities committee coordinates activities and measures to implement the gender equality goals of the Department of Mathematics.
Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf, Sophia Piacenca

Budget committee
This committee is made up of the budget managers from MI, IAM and INS as well as the managing directors of these institutes.
- Budget managers: Dr. Michael Welter (MI), Dr. Beate Doerffel (IAM), Babette Weißkopf (INS)
- Managing directors of MI, IAM and INS

Library Committee
The library committee is responsible for all matters relating to the mathematics library at the University of Bonn.
Prof. Dr. Ursula Hamenstädt

Board of Endenicher Allee 60
The board of Endenicher Allee 60 (Hausvorstand) is responsible for the buildings at Endenicher Allee 60 and is made up of MI and IAM.
Chair: Managing directors of MI and IAM
Deputies: Dr. Michael Welter (MI), Dr. Beate Doerffel (IAM)
Further members: Dr. Thoralf Räsch (Library), Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf (INS), Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson