Universität Bonn

21. Oktober 2024

12.06.25, 19 Uhr: Öffentlicher Vortrag von Lillian Pierce 12.06.25, 19 Uhr: Öffentlicher Vortrag von Lillian Pierce

"Invisible Cities: On ideas in number theory and analysis"

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Der Vortrag ist Teil einer größeren Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Aktion "May 12th: Celebrating Women in Mathematics".

Website der Veranstaltung mit weiteren Informationen

Often in mathematics, we set our sights on proving a particular theorem. If we are successful, we then present to our audience an array of methods we have assembled to get the better of the problem at hand. In this lecture, we will do something different: we will set our sights on a particular idea, and then follow it as it shape-shifts in the mathematical literature. Can we spot it in all its disguises over the course of a century? By studying its mutability can we better recognize its essential utility? This approach will send us on an unusual path, scuttling across decades of mathematics, and from analysis to number theory, and back again. We will explore how accidental encounters with papers spanning 90 years led to a new (or old?) theory, and a realization that “unrelated” well-known theorems share a very interesting structure deep under their surface. (People of all ages are welcome; familiarity with series and integrals will be helpful.)

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