Universität Bonn

Young Women in Model Theory and its Applications

 11-14 March 2024

Venue: Lipschitz Hall 0.016, University of Bonn

Organizers: Alexi Block Gorman (McMaster/Ohio State), Franziska Jahnke (Amsterdam), Philipp Hieronymi (Bonn), Tingxiang Zou (Bonn)

Description: This four-day workshop is designed for early-career female and non-binary researchers (advanced master students, Ph.D. students and postdocs) in Model Theory and its Applications. Model theory is a branch of mathematical logic with deep connections with other branches of mathematics. This research area is (arguably) in a golden age right now due to recent striking applications to combinatorics, algebra, and arithmetic geometry. This workshop will highlight these exciting developments, and at the same time, provide ample opportunities for networking and interaction between the participants. We hope this leads to new connection and possibly collaborations between the participants, and ideally encourage young female participants to pursue research in this area.

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