Universität Bonn

Young Women in Probability and Analysis

Bonn, Thursday 6  - Saturday 8 October 2016

Venue: Mathematics Centre, Endenicher Allee 60, University of Bonn.

Organizers: Margherita Disertori and Constanza Rojas-Molina

E-mail: disorderyw2016(at)iam.uni-bonn.de
Webpage: http://www.iam.uni-bonn.de/disorderyw2016/

Description: This five-day event is designed for young female graduate students (Master and Ph.D.) and postdocs interested in the interplay between probability and analysis, and their applications. The main purpose is to provide a stimulating environment for scientific collaboration and discussions.

This event will consist of the thematic school Young Women Academy (4-6.10.2016)

with three minicourses

  • Random matrices: Mylène Maïda (Lille University)
  • Random Schrödinger operators: Frédéric Klopp (University Paris 6)
  • Stochastic PDEs: Massimiliano Gubinelli (University of Bonn)

followed by the workshop

Young Women in Probability and Analysis will provide a platform for young female researchers to present their work. There will be introductory lectures by

  • Silke Rolles             (TUM Munich)
  • Sandrine Péché     (University Paris 7)

plus talks by

  • Loren Coquille (Universite Grenoble-Alpes),
  • Anne-Sophie de Suzzoni (University of Paris 13),
  • Eman Hamza (Cairo University),
  • Alessia Nota (Bonn University),
  • Elena Pulvirenti (Leiden University),
  • Mira Shamis (Weizmann Institute),
  • Wei-Min Wang (CNRS, University of Cergy-Pontoise).}

These talks will be complemented with talks by young researchers.

All those interested, independent of gender, are welcome to attend the event.

Female participants are invited to submit an abstract for a contributed talk or poster and apply for financial support. The Event Young Women in Probability and Analysis will follow a Young Women Academy "The Mathematics of Disorder"  with three minicourses. All participants are encouraged to participate in the entire event.

For further informations contact disorderyw2016(at)iam.uni-bonn.de

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