Universität Bonn

Young Women in Probability

Bonn, Monday 26 - Wednesday 28 May 2014

Venue: Institute for Applied Mathematics, Endenicher Allee 60

Organizers: Loren Coquille, Janna Lierl

E-mail: ywip2014(at)iam.uni-bonn.de
Webpage: http://www.iam.uni-bonn.de/ywip2014/home/

Description: The main aim of this three day workshop is to provide a platform for junior female researchers in Probability (PhD students and postdocs) to present their work in an environment which can cultivate collaborations. Furthermore, in order to familiarize the young researchers with new and exciting areas, there will be talks by the following plenary speakers:

Plenary speakers

  • Nina Gantert, TU München, Germany
  • Béatrice de Tilière, Paris VI, France
  • Anita Winter, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany

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